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Is cerebral vasospasm self-healing ?

Whether cerebral vasospasm can heal itself is related to the type of disease and the patient 's physical condition, which should be analyzed according to the specific situation. 


General cerebral vasospasm is mostly caused by fatigue, tension or emotional changes. Patients may have headaches, and severe cases are accompanied by symptoms of neurological deficits. Symptoms of neurological deficits are more common in the elderly, and vasospasm occurs on the basis of vascular stenosis. Such patients usually do not heal themselves and require targeted treatment. If cerebral vasospasm occurs in middle-aged and young people, there is a possibility of self-healing after the inducement is alleviated or disappeared. 


If cerebral vasospasm occurs in elderly patients, it is recommended to use drugs to relieve vasospasm, such as flunarizine hydrochloride or intravenous drugs to improve circulation, and to monitor whether there is plaque formation in the intima of the blood vessels. If necessary, oral drugs can be used to protect the intima of the blood vessels.
