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Treatment of left cerebral vascular occlusion

Left cerebral vascular obstruction, asymptomatic small vascular obstruction or fine vascular obstruction do not need treatment, and other vascular obstruction needs timely treatment. Common methods include thrombolytic therapy, mechanical thrombectomy, and cerebral artery bypass grafting. 


Thrombolytic therapy : If the blocked blood vessel is the left middle cerebral artery or the branch vessel of the anterior cerebral artery, thrombolytic therapy can be performed. The commonly used thrombolytic agents are alteplase and urokinase. This treatment requires patients to be performed within 4.5 hours of onset. The advantage is to minimize the sequelae of brain tissue damage and neurological deficits. After 24 hours of thrombolysis, patients also need to take drugs such as antiplatelet aggregation ; 


2.Mechanical thrombectomy : if the blocked blood vessel is the left internal carotid artery, or the middle cerebral artery, anterior cerebral artery, and the cerebral vascular infarction area is not large, mechanical thrombectomy can be used to save life ; 


3.Cerebral artery bypass grafting : If the onset time exceeds 24 hours and the thrombolysis time window is missed, some patients may need to undergo cerebral artery bypass grafting. In daily life, patients should eat less greasy food to avoid increasing the risk of thrombosis.
